Sealed Chest - Chrono Trigger
2020 has been something else. And I needed a small project to just have fun with. This has always been something in the back of my mind and seems easy and fun to do.
It was sculpted in Zbrush, sized in Netfabb, sliced in Kisslicer64 and printed in ABS on my Polyprinter 229.
The mold is Mold Max 25.
Casting took a bunch of experimenting. I knew I wanted it shiny and pure black, and that usually means Onyx. But all I had for a time was Onyx Fast, which cures in 3 minutes. Not enough time to inject it, let alone stir it properly. I also tried 320, tinted with some black dye, but it came out grey. The best process turned out to be using Onxy Slow, injecting the molds, and then letting it cure in a pressure pot. This reduced the bubbles to almost nothing.
A final polishing pass and the addition of the gold inserts (also onyx slow) and it's ready to sit on my desk.
It was sculpted in Zbrush, sized in Netfabb, sliced in Kisslicer64 and printed in ABS on my Polyprinter 229.
The mold is Mold Max 25.
Casting took a bunch of experimenting. I knew I wanted it shiny and pure black, and that usually means Onyx. But all I had for a time was Onyx Fast, which cures in 3 minutes. Not enough time to inject it, let alone stir it properly. I also tried 320, tinted with some black dye, but it came out grey. The best process turned out to be using Onxy Slow, injecting the molds, and then letting it cure in a pressure pot. This reduced the bubbles to almost nothing.
A final polishing pass and the addition of the gold inserts (also onyx slow) and it's ready to sit on my desk.