Utena - Sword of Dios
The main shaft of the handle is a PVC pipe cut to length. The portion on which the rose sits is a PVC end piece. I attached Sintra to both for the entended flower arm. Apoxie Sculpt was applied to thicken it, as well as for decoration. I wanted the petals/flowers that cupped the gem to be identical, so I sculpted one, then cast it multiple time and applied them to the master. For casting/construction purposes, I decided to keep the handle as two separate parts: the pummel and the handle/crossguard. Casting them as such was a new challenge, as I needed to keep interlocking after casting. The pommel section is designed to fit snuggly to the handle, with the gem captured between the leaves, free floating. The blade itself is a 1/2" sheet of Sintra cut and sanded to shape. It fits into the crossguard area.